This is not artificial reality.

 Let's settle this debate once and for all.

A long running thought experiment or puzzle or paradox still holds. It has given rise to many books, TV serial episodes, movies and what not.
The question is as intriguing as it is simple, "What if all of this is a simulation, like a computer game and we just don't know it?"
Every advancement in IT right from the beginning has fueled this enigma.

H2G2, Is the entire earth a giant computer?
TRON, there is an entire world like ours inside computer systems. Are we a part of some computer system too?
Matrix: The entire world is a giant simulation to keep humanity trapped.
Existenz: A virtual game within a virtual game... where does it stop?
The thirteenth floor: They literally lose track of simulation, kind of like father of inception.
Inception: Same concept applied to dream world.
Dark City: Some might say it is the seed out of which Matrix spawned. All the people are locked in a simulation to study humanity.

These are some of the top of my mind examples which I could think of as quickly as possible. If you have not watched or read any of these, I highly recommend this (since you have already read this far). Apart from these many shows have also adopted this concept in some of its episodes like The Simpsons.
So, what is true? Is our world the top of the pyramid from where all of the other Virtualities spawn? Or is our world a mere figment of virtual world while reality is completely different altogether?
OR maybe, its a loop, as in Our world is a virtual getaway for a world which was a virtual getaway for our own world. (OK I came up with this, but the concept seems nice).

There is an old saying, "Those are doomed to live the history again who do not study it."

And a careful study of IT particularly virtual worlds gives us our answer.

We have created many virtual worlds so far, comprehensive, detailed, high graphics, given the control in hands of users to shape the worlds themselves. And in all Apart from glitches there is only one thing common, because one can say that either our system is glitch free or maybe the system is paused to correct a glitch or the system is rebooted & restored once a glitch is resolved.

So apart from glitch the one thing common is,


The mere fact that we cannot double jump in this world is enough proof that this is indeed in fact a real world and not a computer simulation.


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