Beware of the falling back illuion.

Here is what I learned while driving to office the other day.

I left for my office, but I was not feeling really good that day, so I was driving very slowly. I could see all the other cars and bike overtaking me, but I was just not in the mood to drive any faster. It almost seemed like I was going backwards due to all the heavy traffic overtaking me so quickly. But I knew that I am going forward.

This is when it hit me.

When you are travelling for your destination, it does not matter at what speed you are going, what matters is that you keep moving in that direction.

Sometimes in life, we feel like we are going so slow that others, our friends, relatives, colleagues etc. are moving ahead so fast in life that it almost seem as if we are going backwards.

Just remind yourself... "This is an illusion"

This is what Ranveer Kapoor was saying in YJHD, just do not stop.


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