Business model
It is said that new technology takes away jobs or replace the employees in the very least.
The opposite is that new technology or new features add on to the price of existing products and services.
Education sector being a very cost cutting sector, a huge segment of our education industry cannot afford the luxury of trying on new technologies.
SuperSchool having its own pioneering technology and vision directed towards a specific purpose doesn't take away any jobs or even doesn't add up to the cost of education.
The above picture depicts what SuperSchool does. We don't replace any workers; we just take away their load through outsourcing process. The picture depicts two states of a system, former and latter.
Former system has some inefficiencies, SuperSchool bridges away these and whatever profit comes out of improved efficiency of new system, is the profit of SuperSchool.
Another important picture is this: -
SuperSchool does not add up anything to the cost of education. As it can be seen in the chart above, using any of the alternatives of our service the educational institutes have to bear printing cost plus any add on cost such as labor charge, repairing, wastage etc. While SuperSchool provides the same service in the bare minimum charges of printing cost which the institutes have to bear anyways.
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