

 It's ok, it's really ok to be stuck physically in a place, a situation... But you should still mentally be planning your way out. The good thing about big, unbeatable, monstrous problems is that they give you time. Plenty of it. But above all, problems are here for a reason. They are here to be solved!

A problem is settled does not mean it's solved.

 There is a norm in startup valuation, where a startup is judged based on the problem that it is attempting to solve. It is called "Solution with no problem." That is to say, a startup is trying to solve a problem that is non-existent in the real market. But, our experience have pointed out an exception to this grade. A problem should not be treated to be non-existent if the people have simply accepted the problem as it is for lack of a solution. This happens for example when due to lack of technology or resources people simply accepts the problem to be unsolvable and continues to live with it. But technological advancements can still try to solve such problems. During such times this cannot be said that startup is trying to solve a problem that is non-existent.

Every beginning have an ending.

When you begin to lose, your losses shall have an ending... Don't stop trying. When you are winning, you shall have some bad times stacked for you right ahead, so don't change your behavior... And always remember when Shahrukh sir taught us, Keep struggling till you have your happy ending, until then

Blues don't see Mondays.

 Monday blues is just a term. You can feel heavy hearted any day of the week. But the problem is that, we feel blues on Mondays so we do not give our best. But when we feel good, for example on a Sunday, we still avoid working because... well its Sunday. Well, it is ok to feel low sometimes. But don't blame any day. Just go with the flow. If you are ok with working less on a working day just because you were "not feeling quite right", you should also be willing to work if you feel right on a non-working day.

Taking a step back.

It's not easy. But even the costliest cars have reverse gear in them. Taking a step back sure means you made some bad decisions along the way, but it also shows that you are the kind of person that keeps recalculating the route. That you are capable of taking decisions better than those who fear "WHAT THE WORLD WILL THINK!". It is like in chess, not every move is going to make you win. Sometimes you will have to make sacrifices too. But it's ok, as long as every move of yours make sense. We all make mistakes, but a wise person knows how to detect it and correct it in time before it becomes a blunder.

Profile Update.

 Dear Institutes, After another careful study of the industry we felt the need to update our product profile. So now SuperSchool is offering its "Smart Examination" service in a completely new deal. We offer all our features of "Smart Examination" in simple pdf format. For  ₹  1/- per page, we offer to give you pdf files for all your examination needs. The exam papers shall be set using AI & ML technologies. All exam papers shall be embedded with smart QR code, giving easy access to the key answer sheet of those papers. PS - the QR links shall be active for one month post examination date.

Shree Ram & Startups.

Lessons from Prabhu Shree Ram. Shree Ram is more than slayer of Ravana. He is obedient, persistent, friendly, connects with people, makes quick decisions, makes impossible decisions, make impossible decisions quickly, emotionally connected, a good leader, a good person. Jai Shree Ram!